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District Manager Employment Opportunity 

The District Manager position is a great opportunity for someone who has a passion for conservation and would like to make a positive impact within the Middle Rio Grande watershed. The selected individual will lead a dedicated team of staff, and will assist with capacity building for the District, while leading efforts for growth, and strategically considering conservation programming improvements.   The Ciudad District Manager will serve in an executive leadership role in the organization, working closely with the Board of Supervisors, program managers and other Ciudad staff. Building on the existing work in progress, the District Manager will guide programmatic decisions that advance Ciudad towards their long-range goals, while developing a sustainable budget that supports the success of the organization. They will lead the effective delivery of programs and projects to ensure the District is meeting its obligations to conserve natural resources in collaboration with partners, including governments, non-profits, tribes, and private residents. 

This posting is open until filled.  Ciudad SWCD reserves the right  to make a hiring decision at any time. Applicants will be evaluated on a rolling basis with the first round of application reviews taking place Thursday, June 20th, 2024.  Please contact Steve Glass, Board Chairman,  at jstvglass@gmail or 505-510-3478 for additional information.

To view the full position announcement and description, see PDF below. 

District Manager Position Description.pdf

To apply for this position, applicants should complete the form below and upload the requested documents.  


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