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Tijeras Creek Watershed Collaborative

TCWC is an interagency initiative focused on preserving and improving the Tijeras Creek Watershed ecological and cultural landscapes through public education and on-the-ground restoration. Ciudad SWCD is pleased to be an active member agency in TCWC.

In 2019, Ciudad SWCD acquired Clean Water Act grant funding from NMED, augmented with funding from Bernalillo County and the City of Albuquerque, to contract with Global Hydrologic Solutions on behalf of the TCWC to produce the Upper Tijeras Watershed-Based Plan. Approved in 2022 by USEPA Region 6, the WBP presents an evaluation of potential sources of excess nutrient discharges into Tijeras Creek; identifies best management practices (BMPs) and the potential of each BMP to reduce nutrient discharges; costs and potential sources of funding to install BMPs; and establishes a timeline for BMP installations. The WBP development process included considerable opportunities for public input, coordinated through the TCWC.

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