Arroyo Classroom

Through generous funding provided by Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA), Ciudad SWCD’s Arroyo Classroom program for Rio Rancho third graders began as a pilot in 2013 to promote safety and awareness of natural arroyos. As part of the educational standards, Ciudad SWCD educates students about habitats around their schools and neighborhoods and the animals that make their homes in arroyos. Students learn that something as simple as “scooping the poop” (cleaning up pet waste), picking up trash and debris, and staying on trails to reduce erosion can have a direct impact on arroyo health and water quality. Arroyos are dry stream beds that flows with rain and stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff isn’t cleaned and carries whatever it picks up directly to the Rio Grande River when it travels through arroyos.
The program focus areas are:
• Watersheds - learning what a watershed is, how water moves through it and how we impact our watershed
• Arroyo Safety-know when it’s safe to be in or around a sandy, natural arroyo
• Animal and Plant Adaptations – learning about the plants and animals that live in our arroyos and how they are adapted to survive in the desert climate.
To apply for 2024-2025 Arroyo Classroom, please fill out the Arroyo Classroom Application by August 12th, 2024.
Students receive three in-class presentations, meet live animals they are learning about, and put their newfound knowledge into motion in a walking field trip near their school to observe arroyos, plants and animal habitats. For more information about the Arroyo Classroom Program, please contact Ciudad SWCD at (505) 225-RIVR or

Click below to open the 2023-2024 Arroyo Classroom Report