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Updates From Urban Waters Locations

Blue River (Kansas City, MO) — The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has approved an award of $49,609.30 to the Heartland Conservation Alliance to support the Training Youth in Environmental Stewardship in the Blue River Watershed (KS) project. The project will train 18 youth and employ a crew of five to seven youth to steward 220 acres of land in the Blue River Watershed. This project will address needs for improved watershed health, improved community health and a natural resource management workforce.

Bronx and Harlem River Watersheds (NY) — The Bronx and Harlem River Watershed Urban Waters Partnership is excited to welcome Christina Carrero as the new Ambassador! Christina began serving as Ambassador this August. Her undergraduate degree is in biology with a focus on ecology and conservation and she is currently completing her master’s degree in environmental policy. Prior to becoming Ambassador, Carrero was a research assistant at the Morton Arboretum in Chicago where she supported community conservation efforts.

Los Angeles River Watershed (CA) — The California Silver Jackets Team and Floodplain Management Association hosted a leadership webinar on August 16, 2022. The event, “What Makes a Great Leader,” was led by leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Tambour Eller, Interim Acting Chief of the Interagency & International Services Division, and Melissa Weymiller, Tribal Programs Manager, discussed qualities of successful leaders.

Mystic River Watershed/Greater Boston (MA) — The Mystic River Water Quality report card shows that the Mystic River is a clean urban river (grade of B+ to A), though there are continued sources of wastewater contamination. The Mystic River Watershed Association will use data from the report to continue to improve the Mystic River’s water quality.

Mystic River Watershed/Greater Boston (MA) — The Mystic River Watershed Association and GreenRoots ECO Youth co-hosted a Mystic Youth Celebration along the river on August 3, 2022. Youth enjoyed ice cream, art and games, and could participate in an environmental justice workshop led by GreenRoots ECO Youth.

Patapsco Watershed/Baltimore Region (MD) — The Baltimore Urban Waters Partnership (BUWP) will host a workshop on September 22 for stormwater and flooding experts to discuss inter-jurisdictional flood management. BUWP will hold a Partnership meeting on September 28, 2022.

Patapsco Watershed/Baltimore Region (MD) — On August 19, 2022, Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Tanya Trujillo visited the Patapsco River UWFP location in Baltimore, MD. Assistant Secretary Trujillo met with a wide range of UWFP partners, including Stillmeadow Community Fellowship, Baltimore Green Space, Temple X Schools, Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, University of Maryland Extension/Sea Grant, the Baltimore Department of Public Works and representatives from USDA-Forest Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the EPA Urban Waters Team. The Assistant Secretary toured the 10-acre Stillmeadow PeacePark and Forest with partners and learned about the flooding resiliency, environmental education and green infrastructure efforts the partners are coordinating on the site. This is the Assistant Secretary’s sixth Urban Waters site visit.

Rio Reimagined – Salt / Gila River Corridor (Tempe, AZ) — Arizona State University’s Sustainable Cities Network (SCN) Green Infrastructure (GI) Workgroup and Southern Arizona LID hosted a joint webinar on August 16, 2022, to introduce partners in different regions, discuss common needs and potential joint efforts.

South Platte River Urban Waters Partnership (Denver, CO) — The South Platte River Urban Waters Partnership held a full Partnership meeting virtually on August 16, 2022.  Casey Davenhill from the Colorado Watershed Assembly presented on the Colorado Water Plan and the South Platte River Basin Implementation Plan. Mike McHugh from Aurora Water presented on Aurora Water’s source water protection efforts.

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