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New! EPA Let’s Talk About Heat Challenge — June 22, 2022

Extreme heat is affecting rural, suburban and urban areas in the United States. Increasing temperatures due to climate change are intensifying already higher temperatures in heat island areas, where buildings and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes. Communities need clear messages about the risks of extreme heat and actions people can take to stay safe. To address the need for clear communication, EPA and co-sponsors have launched the Let's Talk About Heat Challenge, a national competition to identify innovative and effective communication strategies that inform people of the risks of extreme heat and ways to keep safe during the hottest days. Winning solutions will include identification of and engagement with people known to be most susceptible to extreme heat risks, including but not limited to underserved and overburdened communities. Submissions are due July 22, 2022, and up to 10 prizes from a total prize pool of $120,000 will be awarded this fall. To register for the informational webinar about the challenge on June 22, 2022, click here. To learn more about the challenge, click here.

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