Cost Share Forest Health Thinning
Ciudad SWCD's East Mountain Forest Health Program (EMFHP) offers technical and financial assistance to East Mountain residents for thinning of overly dense forested properties. Our program provides 50% cost share on the total project costs towards defensible space and overall forest health.
Funding is available and applications are accepted year round. Coordination and project planning takes place year round. As of 2024, on the ground work takes place between October and April. This is due to prolonged drought, bark beetle, and wildfire concerns
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information and click the link in the green box to the right to submit an application today!
For more information or a paper application, please email
On the federal side of the fence, the U.S.D.A. Forest Service has concentrated on building fuel breaks near high-risk areas within the wildland/urban interface (WUI) where homes and businesses are built in or adjacent to forest lands. Ciudad's East Mountain Forest Health Program (EMFHP) was implemented to assist landowners in reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire damage on private property, while at the same time improving the forest's overall health.
Our cost share program provides technical assistance and on-the-ground work in three project areas, 1) along the North 14 corridor between Tijeras and La Madera, 2) east of Tijeras off I40 to Sedillo Hill and, 3) south along the Hwy 337 corridor from Tijeras to Torreon. The program's goal is to reduce the wildfire risk to residents and businesses in the District's East Mountain Area.
Program will supply up to 50% of the funding for the on-the-ground work. Landowners must provide a 50% match. Landowners who are interested in having their property treated must complete an application form and submit it, along with an assessment fee, to the Ciudad SWCD. District staff meets with landowners to develop a plan for thinning their particular property. Treatments require creating 1-acre of defensible space around any structures. The District works with qualified contractors to perform each individual treatment.
The EMFHP is a cooperative effort between Ciudad SWCD, the State Forestry Division of the NM Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department and private landowners. All treatments are done voluntarily. This program is strictly grant funded.
Click here to view the NM State Forestry Forest Practices Guidelines (2008).