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Board Committees 

The Board of Supervisors has formed three (3) standing committees which include the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and Policy Committee. All other committees will be ad hoc and are required to bring all work to the full Board of Supervisors during a scheduled meeting with quorum to discuss and make any formal decisions. The District Manager should be made aware of or in attendance at any committee meetings. In no case shall any committee include more than three District Supervisors so that no committee will comprise a quorum of the District Board of Supervisors. The Board has delegated specific authorities to standing committees as follows. 

Finance Committee 

The Board Treasurer shall be the Chair of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee’s role is to review the monthly expenses, financial statements and oversight of all fiscal responsibilities of the District. This Committee will also support the District Manager and other finance staff with monthly financial responsibilities and fiscal oversight of the process. The Finance Committee will also support the District Manager and staff in securing funding to meet operations needs and work towards stabilizing the long-term financial health of the District. 

The Finance Committee has the authority to pre-approve credit card purchases over $500.00 for programmatic purchases for staff members and pre-approve credit card purchases over $1,000.00 for programmatic purchases for the District Manager. The Finance Committee has the authority to delegate the responsibility of authorized signers to individual Board Supervisors and to appoint a Chief Procurement Official. 

The Finance Committee has the authority to review and approve Letters of Commitment that allocate District monetary resources. 

Personnel Committee 

The Board Chairman shall be the Chair of the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee’s role is to serve as the Human Resources oversight of the District. They will support the District Manager in reviewing all staffing changes including, authorizing additional hours per week and overtime, hiring and termination of employment, promotions of existing staff, salary adjustments, probationary employment, and disciplinary actions. The District Manager will report to the Personnel Committee, and the Committee will conduct the Annual Appraisal of the District Manager and ensure they are effectively meeting their obligation in supervising all other staff, meeting project deliverables and meeting financial obligations. 

The Personnel Committee has the authority to approve Employee Agreements on behalf of the full Board of Supervisors. The Personnel Committee has the authority to review and approve Letters of Commitment that allocate District staff resources. 

Policy Committee 

The Board Vice Chair shall be the Chair of the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee’s role is to ensure that District policies are up to date and are appropriate for the District, and to provide support to the District Manager in policy oversight and implementation. Updating any existing policies or the implementation of any new policies will require a full Board of Supervisors vote to enact. The Policy committee shall determine the person who will fulfill the delegated role of Public Records Custodian. 

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