USDA-NRCS Local Work Group Meeting with Ciudad, Coronado, Cuba and Valencia Soil and Water Conservation Districts
On Thursday, September 5th at 11 AM the USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service, in
cooperation with the Ciudad, Coronado, Cuba and Valencia, Soil and Water Conservation Districts,
would like to cordially invite you to attend the annual 2024 Local Work Group Meeting to establish
natural resources priorities for the coming federal fiscal year (FY) 2025.
We will also be discussing the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) for federal FY25. The meeting is open to local landowners; Federal, Tribal, State, and Local governments; and others that are interested in conserving our Natural Resources.
This meeting can be attended in person or virtually through Microsoft teams. To attend in person,
please meet at Salazar Building Room 1A in the El Zocalo Complex in Bernalillo, 87004. To attend
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 271 862 330 822
Passcode: AbV4wb
The federal FY25 funding allocation for EQIP will be made by NRCS’s Team 2 (NM). The funding
allocation is based on the percentage of rangeland, cropland, forestland, and other resource concerns
and priorities of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts. At this time, the federal FY25 funding level
is not known, but it is important that the Local Work Group reviews last year’s program issues and
recommends any changes concerning conservation priorities, resource concerns, ranking criteria,
payment rates, and eligible practices to be included in the federal FY24 program. The funding priority
requests for all resource concerns will be determined by the Local Work Group.
Your attendance and input to our Local Work Group meeting is important to ensure that local resource
concerns are addressed in the most effective manner. If you have any questions regarding this
meeting, of if you would like to submit a written comment, please contact:
Nick Goodman, NM Team 2 District
Conservationist, USDA-NRCS, (505) 280-0826;