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The Action Project

Using Environmental Action Civics RiverXchange® students experience a change-making process that develops real-world problem solving skills.

The Action Project provides students with the opportunity to determine and address watershed health issues that affect their community at the school, neighborhood, or city level. Integrating an action project into curriculum is an opportunity for students to connect with key watershed concepts and topics through on-the-ground work and skill-building.

RiverXchange® utilizes an Environmental Action Civics process developed by Earth Force. RiverXchange® staff work closely with the Earth Force team to ensure we are delivering the most high-quality resources and guidance available to support action project success in our classrooms. Environmental Action Civics is a youth-adult partnership that helps young people identify environmental concerns in their community, investigate the causes of these concerns, and to advocate for positive, effective changes to policies or practices in their communities. Environmental Action Civics emphasizes process over product and skill-building in collaboration, investigation and reflection. Determining effective solutions to real-world problems and asking for change can seem daunting, even to adults. However, developing these skills alongside our core program on local water resource and watershed health concerns is an impactful way to start building these skills in the youth of today.

By empowering students to work together to creatively solve problems through an action project, we are supporting students in becoming the next generation of stewards and advocates for our lands and waters. 

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