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New Farmers Conservation Assistance Program

New Farmer Conservation Assistance Program

May contain: soil

Agricultural assistance and conservation practices resources sharing is a unique and growing component of Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District outreach and educational programming.  Regional drought had already impacted precipitation reliability and surface water irrigation, leading to irrigation shortages and curtailments which, unfortunately, continued through the years covered under this funding. Many questions and requests for assistance were fielded and addressed during this period. Outreach and education directly to farmers and public land management agencies was limited by limited local soil technical knowledge and assistance within Ciudad SWCD.   

Ciudad SWCD sought through the awarded funding to increase soil assessment capacity, provide sustainable access to soil assessment equipment and supplies while encouraging discussion on best practice soil assessment methods and training for the Middle Rio Grande Valley (MRGV) in Central New Mexico. 

This project was launched in 2020 - one month prior to the onset of public health emergencies and lockdowns resulting from COVID-19 global pandemic.  Transition to virtual delivery of training required reworking documentation, schedule, and overall structure of preliminary training.  Despite these subsequent impacts and challenges to involvement, this Ciudad SWCD project resulted in increased partnerships and collaboration around soil health, permanent tools and equipment to address soil-related technical assistance, and development of staff, Board and partnering agency knowledge and skills related to soil health and conservation.  

Project outcomes included numerous soil assessments provided to public Open Space agencies to support land planning and management, reliable use of tools and equipment for assessments, and meeting the needs and concerns of constituents within Ciudad SWCD.  

Ciudad SWCD relies heavily on grant funding to complete work. Unfortunatley, Ciudad SWCD no loger has grant funding for the New Farmer Conservation Assistance Proram. 

May contain: advertisement, poster, soil, herbal, herbs, and plant
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